When i am writing this, I only had a fish burger for dinner. Got a medium set from mcdonald with tea instead of coke. But guess what, the guy gave me a cup of hot water, two packs of sugar and milk but no tea bag!!! Did i not order tea? For a change, I had green tea with burger, what a weird combination I know but I seriously couldn't care less.
I am still hungry. Could anyone send me some rice? If you are kind enough do you mind bringing me some sticky rice? Because that will really help with my hunger atm. It's cold and I am hungry how much sadder can my life be? okok maybe not that bad becaue i still have apple and strawberries :)
Called my mum last night and she asked "why are you calling? missing me already?" I wanted to deny but what's the problem of missing your mum anyway? and I told her i miss her cookings more. How mean!!!
"you sound upset" Mum said.
"yeh a little, been quite troubled lately" I said.
"what's wrong?" Mum asked again.
"lots of problem." I said.
"try to talk to someone and dont keep everything to yourself, i know you so well" she said.
Of all the conversations we had last night, this one in particular made me teary and I just wanna hug her tightly as a son, a son that misses his mum.
”你属于我的,属于秀然的“ 妈说。
ya...da last one touch me... T.T
mother love is the best of the world wan.. a sien go go i m shan hwee xixi
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