Monday, January 11, 2010

Taipei and the pink gloves

Office job is suffocating. It's made even worse when your job is reptitive. CTRL-c and CTRL-v from 8am-5pm bore the shit outta me. Ok maybe it's not that bad with me making multiple visits to the pantry. *wink wink*

I was on the phone with my mum just to tell her that I am going to Taiwan during CNY.

"hey ma, I am going to taiwan in Feb" I said and tried not to go into too much details.

"When? and whom with?" She asked. Ok as a matter of fact, she has been a bit too concerned over whom I go out with lately.

"with my friends. on the 18th of feb tentatively" I said.

"who? how many of you are going?" She asked again.

"alright alright....bla bla bla" I gave in.

"You pay for your own flight?" I sensed the firmness in her tone hinting she isn't kind enough to pay for my flight.

"yeah!" Reluctantly, I said. Alright alright I am desperate. I am sure I can talk her into paying a portion of it afterwards. Evil me. Worse comes to worse I will advance early payment for my pocket money. lol.

Taiwan here I come!


Overheard a kid talking today and it cracked me up, even till now.

"Did you see my gloves? they are pink and shaped like my hands."

Aren't kids just cute with their innocent talk?

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