Thursday, January 07, 2010


Driving in KL is a nightmare. Especially when you choose the wrong time to go on the road.

7.20am: The brake is just an accessory.

7.25am: You have at least some people to check out, but only limit to 1 second each person to stay off accident.

7.30am: Blame the snooze function on my alarm clock. If you think 5 mins is a luxury in bed, it is a horrendous nightmare on the road. It is jam-packed with cars where you can practically eat fruits, read a novel and check out the driver in each passing car (can say hi somemore).

As a result, I am late for work. It has been the 4th times in a row. *shy*

Being stuck in the jam is stressfull. My way of dealing with this is by eating fruits. :P. De-stress on one side, keeping fit and healthy is a tempting bonus.


Anonymous said...

u finally updated!!!

Shane Chia VS said...

hahahah yeah. I couldn't believe either I finally did. :)

reveal yourself!!