yeh i know i am such a pain in the arse. My blog is so dead, i haven't been updating anything. life is busy people, don't blame me. Imagine i stayed back in the library till 8pm for a few consecutive days. Imagine imagine the lazy VS stayed back in the library (to check out people is it?) TO DO MY DESIGN PROJECT BUT NOT TO CHECK OUT PEOPLE!!!
Anyway, yesterday was my last day in uni for the first semester of my second year. Having my study vacation now, exam is coming in a week's time. Running out of time huh? yeah i think so but i am still not motivated to study just yet. Still slacking and planning to go out for a stroll to the malls, yeh yeh it's the winter giant sales!!!! However budget is kinda tight lately, thanks to those unknown reasons (don't ever try to guess, but i can assure you it has nothing to do with the trading of sex, lol).
What's on first? hmmm business communication. oh hell, i have just realised that i know bascially nothing about this course except for the presentations i did. arghhhhhh!! need all the notes now anyone can help me out? yeh according to Tim, i am always the end of the notes chain (yeap, usually i am the last one to receive any notes or maybe not at all, lol). but hey people, i have changed, i am more studious this year, i put in effort to print my notes out weeks before the exams.
Reservoir engineering is coming a day after that. hmm, lots of revision to go through, freaking 8 chapters (phew, 8 chapters only and you are complaning the shit out?), 8 BIG chapters people!!! And despite my will to pay attention to Rachie, there has always been something to fail me in my mission, sigh!!! Be it the people sitting next to me ( i am not talking about you Tim, don't give yourself away. lol. or Wani and Leena talking about their outfits, and touching each other (sound so wrong) or adjusting their clothes close to their boobs. hey girls, that could be very disturbing you know. hahaha. oh well not like i am going to give a damn. But obviously, Tim was trying hard to resist it. poor him.
Speaking of the reservoir engineering presentation, what's wrong with my tongue and the word " substituting", i just couldn't get it right. haha, nah just to mention my inability to pronounce that word and embarassed myself a bit.
oh what's next? oh yeh Japanese study. The final exam is such a F1 race with time. 110 questions in 2 hours. oh my god, i have to memorise all the hiragana, katakana and kanji hardcore from now on. yeh yeh, it's time to practise it!!! in other words, more shin chan!!! hahahhaa. me and my shin chan i know!! tsk tsk tsk.
My mum is coming on the 20th. Yeh, i will have one exam left during the week she is here. but meh, i will definitely have time for her. It's winter now guess she will be sneezing her heart out during the stay here. haha. and yeh she is gonna bring a KG of ikan bilis!! yeh people i miss ikan bilis ok!!!!!!!! and i miss mi hun kueh that i am going to cook it every single day! budak sial!! haha. oh yeh, speaking of malay, i think i have got some improvement on it. thanks to those bruneian friends. Xhui, Wiven, Chea hao, Yaozhong, dont worry i won't order AIR KEPALA anymore! yeh laugh!!! laugh as hard as you want, i don't care!!!!!!!
My blog is dead, but my mind is not dead. i have lots of ideas to write, but due to my pure laziness, i have got no motivation to blog at all.
Today's topic, bitch.
Everyone is bitchy in general. Whether or not it's dominant depends on how well you present your bitchiness. It's not that you want to be a bitch, it's the people around you that unleash your bitchiness. People nowadays are overly taking things for granted and hence making each other's life difficult. the "an eye for an eye" concept is too overwhelming, and widely used in our society nowadays.
"you want to be a bitch, i will be a bitch and a half!" that's usually the case. That's why human's relationship is like a never ending war between two bitches.
"oh please for christ's sake, can we please stop fighting?" A said.
"you started it first" B said, sounded all bitchy.
"if it's not because of you, i wouldn't have started it in the first place! " A said again.
"oh yeh? So thoughtful of you to start it off for me! thanks! " B said, couldn't be any more bitchier.
"oh fine!....................." A said.
So the conversation goes on with two people being bitchy to each other. If B just said sorry, there willl be less two bitches in the world.
Case 2, in the shopping mall.
"do you think you can give me a discount on this?" A asked, seemed not going to accept any rejection at all.
"sorry i can't. i am just a staff." B said.
"hmm say if you give me a 20% discount, i will buy it right away!" A said again, not giving up.
"sorry madam, i just can't. Maybe you can choose the other stuff which is on sale?" B said. trying to be nice.
"fine then, i will buy it next time" A said.
"oh okok, i will give you 10% sale at most! " B said.
"20%" A bargained again. very firmed with her determination.
"15%" B said.
"18%?" A said. (wth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if the calculator is not invented, you would have to employ an accountant in order to complete the trading)
"oh fine, 18% " A said.
such a waste of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just dont understand. with that 10 minutes wasted on bargaining with each other, you could have talked another customer into buying it! and with that 10 minutes wasted, you could have found another shop selling it at a much cheaper price.
Just don't buy if it's too expensive! and just don't sell if you think it's too low for a price! gosh!
ok now i am a total bitch for writing all these. but every so often, you will just laugh your heart out when you bump into this kind of situation. It's interesting to see how shallow people are that they don't want to lose their dignity and hence would rather become a bitch and take over the situation.
fine! Be a bitch and you think people will think big of you? no way!
the world will be more loving if one could just suppress their bitchiness. however it wouldn't be as interesting and as exciting as it is now if there is no bitches in the world. lol.