Sunday, May 06, 2007

Spiderman talk

as we know, spiderman 3 is on cinema since the 3rd of May, at least that's the first premier in Australia. It's a nice show that the people all over the world are running after it, to watch the first premier of it, or to take a day off from your busy work or busy study life to see how the spiderman eliminate the bad guy and to BUILD SPIDERWEB for him and his girlfriend to date lying on the spiderweb.

it happened that one of my friend told me a biological fact and i actually went googling it out that i kept laughing while my imgination working its way out to visualise the fact itself. as all of us know, from the movie or comic itself, the silk to build up the spiderweb comes out from the hand, ok, spiderman's hand, about the wrist part.

so this is how the silk comes out from spiderman's wrist as what we have seen and have been taught for ages. Without any doubt, it's true, so true that spiderman is having even more powerful educational effect on us than the real spider. haha. to tell the truth, sometimes i will do that act (as shown in the picture) as well, kind of too used to it.

But as what my friend has told me and what i have been googling out--

All spiders produce silk, a thin, strong protein strand extruded by the spider from spinnerets most commonly found on the end of the abdomen.

In other words, or simpler words, it somehow is coming out from the bottom part of the spider, near the excretion organ i guess.

So in the case of spiderman~~

this position is just nice for me and you to picture it out. the silk is supposed to come out from that particular part of the body as what happen in a real spider.

or this~~

a backward position of how the silk is supposed to come out. and i believed it somehow makes the spiderman stronger, he can focus on the thingy on the floor while the silk coming out from the back can hold him firmly.

However, i still couldn't figure it out why the author of the comic would want to have the silk ejected out from the wrist. it looks cooler? yeah perhaps.


chucknthem said...

Haven't you ever noticed that spiders always hang upside down with their ass pointing in the direction of their web? lol

Shane Chia VS said...

hehe. i am just too accustomed to spiderman that i don't really have any idea of the real spider in our life~~too bad..i should watch more national geography~~lol..


kaishin said...

haha this is funny wei. silk coming outta spidey's ass. ahhhh gross.