Holiday is coming to an end after almost 4 months off uni and anything associated with it. Well not just yet but real soon. Two more weeks and I will be back to Sydney in a long dreadful flight via Darwin. Blame MAS for not starting the promotion 3 days earlier!!!! yes 3 days, and it's gonna grant me a 4 hours ordeal in the pathetically small Darwin Airport.
So what's been the highlight of this long break? Let's recount.
I went on so many trips with my friends and family, ok maybe not quite so with my family but wth, I still had lotsa fun. First to singapore, and then straight to Fraser's Hill and KKB, then Cameron Highlands and last but not least Laos which i will detail in the next few posts, perhaps. lol.
Let's not forget about my nephew. He has, to be honest, taken up most of the time i spent at home (ok, I am no longer the nomad this time, I have actually been quite home-bound). He has grown up fast, from a baby before I left for SYdney last year to a toddler who speaks after whatever words we say. Despite him being annoying sometimes (with all the cryings and screamings and playing-with-my-laptop), I actually enjoy his company.
I am starting to feel old having watched him growing into a toddler. His innocent laughters reminds me of my long-gone childhood and his mischievous behaviors tells me how different kids nowadays are. They are no longer the gullible bunch but rather the you-better-not-mess-with-me bunch. The world has already taken a big leap but I still remain. Maybe it's time to catch up.
I owned a pair of levi's jeans at the age of 17 but this kid here is wearing it with so much pride and dignity as if to show it off to me. :(. Well what to do I can't possibly take it off and put it on myself.
We shouldn't compare the current to the past. Just like how I always tell my mum not to compare my current comfy life with her used-to-be inadequate one. Move forward, there is no use looking back it won't do any good. For the old the old theory is no longer applicable in today's society.