went bck to tangkak on saturday after staying overnite at qin ai de's hse the nite be4..took bus, went to the same place i hav been used to in these five years, or perhaps six years..12.30pm, the bus set off. i slept in the bus all the way to tangkak, then only i woke up n rang up my mum to fetch me..after bathing, went out for lunch i tot wif my dad, n along wif his fren, business partner, mr goh, a smart n successful business man..chattig wif him once a while, n he said, make sure u study well, ur dad is proud of u..well, these words weighed on my heart n oso my shoulder..dun u wana study medicine?he asked.' i havent decided, i asnswered wif a the manner of uncertainty..well, i tried to avoid toking bout tis, n kept eating my food..after eating, i went to the cd shop nez to the restaurant and gt myself a stack of cd, simply rent a drama series to spend my weekends..10 episodes, i tot it wil b enuf for me..once gt home, my grandma called me up to fetch her in sagil, she was there for the preparation of my relative's wedding.15 minutes drive from my hse, i drove alone there. being called to say hi to all the uncle auntie tat i duno how to called them wif..once stepping into the hse, tat is the hse tat i used to stay since my first day to tis world.i felt unfamiliar wif the environment there...the first person i saw was my gu zai, i duno how to name her, bt i remembered i saw her only twice or thrice only..then i followed my grandma to the kitchen, all the gu1 po2 which i was ordered to call them were looking at me..'he is?'i can sensed tat they couldnt recognize me.."ah gui4 ah?"i was like, so paise, i m ah sien la, nt ah gui..'ok, ah sien, is he the one who followed us to penang laz time?'one of the elder tok to my grandma..i was like, gona fainted, tat one was ah gui la( my younger bro), nt me..finali, after repeating so many times, htey finali gt to noe me..i think around four to five older relatives there.they are in their seventies of average..they kept toking about me, said i looks like my grandpa(though i never saw my grandpa),especially the eye brow, however i look fair, my grandpa was famous of his dark skin..n bla bla bla..i was sitting there, being treated wif a can of cocacolan listened to them toking about their youth time..well, actuali a gang of old folks sitting there toking n enjoying their memories is such a pleasant matter for them.i could sense my grandma's happiness..after a while, we left..all the others relatives said to my grandma "wah, ah sien can drive edi, can fetch u here n there, grow up edi, u re so xing fu,ur grandson fetch u from here,(they conversed in hakka, tok so loud, when i tok, they barely can hear me)..well, perhaps, grandson fetch grandma n xiao jing grandma is a kind of happiness for all the elders.they din request much, juz tat the youngers can respect n love them..actuali their way of thinking is juz tat simple,or perhaps,when u gt older, u wouldnt wan much, bt juz the simplest life..after getting home, i started to watch my drama..my mum was wathcing wif me..sitting there, eyes sticked to the tv screen, i din speak any words, n juz kept watching the tv..after dinner i kept watching, until i felt sleepy n went to bed..the nez morning, woke up early, n was asked to attend the wedding function of my relatives.i rejected, i never like to attend such function..went to melaka wif my mum n bro..tok a lot wif my mum in the car, tok alot, bt i juz couldnt tell out the things i reali wan to tell..forgt it..'ur dad is getting older n older, n start to care bout the family, sons n wtsoever,"if can come bck more often, dun wait until we re nt here only regret." of course i noe very well about all these..n i try to fill up the gap tat i hav been building up within tis five years..a lot of things happened, bt i oculdnt reali settled them well..i nit ur support,my own parents' support, though i dun seem like i nit all these..
today is chong chong's birthday..17th birthday..sick birthday boy, take care..duno whether anot hav the chance to celebrate wif u later..anyway, happy birthday..