Sunday, October 07, 2007

bryvan update!

yeah i know, i am such a pain, i haven't been updating my blog for almost two weeks! ok, what have i been doing?

"jason, i havent blogged for a while" i said
"well, you are so lazy, we know that! " jason said
"eh, i am pretty busy aye!" i countered
"haha, you're watching series right now, what has kept you busy?" sarcasm surfaced.
"busy watching series of course ! " i said, no feeling of guilt at all. haha.

ok, with "lots" of evidence, i concluded that i was pretty busy!

so now, i am taking a bit off to post some update of my newphew!!

he is two months old now. According to my mom, he is getting more and more talkative (obviously nobody can understand his language at the moment, except for the cry for milk!), and drastically turning into the CHIA's golden grandchildren, and have all the attentions to himself. YAH!!!! I AM SERIOUSLY BEING NEGLECTED!!! i am so mean~~~hahaha~~~

next, he is, without any doubt, becoming bossier and bossier. According to my grandma (see, everyone is talking about him), he wants to be fed right after the shower, not even the time to don him is allowed. So the procedure goes unusually like this : shower--->milk---> put on the clothes.
yeah i know, you must be wondering like me, wouldn't he catch a cold? erm, practise makes perfect, and he is kinda used to it now. hehe. damn cute.

He can't live without airconditioning. he would have insomnias if the aircond is not working, or if it's too hot in the noon. So, my loving father ( well, never that loving before) decided to install an aircond in the living room (basically just for him, proof : we have been living in that house for almost 10 years, and the thought has never crossed his mind). And he has now befriended the airconds at home, Mum said she found him talking to the aircond. Maybe he took the sounds from the aircond as response. hehe.

aw, he is using Winnie The Pooh pacifier. erm, kinda photogenic, isn't he?
lol, pinkish handkerchief. well, he has fair skin, so yeah, it suits him!
erm, a close-up look. "can you please let me sleep? my working hours is over!" lol. anyway, if you look close enough, he doesn't have much hair. :(. Chia's trait. never mind, you will be a rich guy!!!

i was viewing him through the webcam last night. and he looked right into the webcam throughout the session. well, at least he can recognise me and my voice. hehe. his eyes look like mine, aren't they? no? no? haha.

ok that's about it. will update more when i go back to malaysia. wow, can you imagine the whole post is dedicated for him!

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