Saturday, April 21, 2007


i was tagged again. by Stef. ok, let's write about it now. This is gona be an easier tag than the previous one.

5 things found in your bag

1. MP3
2. Small pillow
3. Pendrive
4. Pencil case
5. Books

5 things found in your purse/wallet

1. My photo
2. Money
3. Australian Photo ID ( allow me not to bring the passport with me 24/7)
4. Credit Card (i've just gotten it)
5. ATM card

5 fav things in your room

1. laptop (my all time favourite, i will suicide if something untowards happen on him)
2. pillow ( i brought it over from malaysia, haha, my all time favourite)
3. clothes enough for four seasons
4. mirror ( obviously, i use it quite often. define often : at least ten times per hour, depends on how frequent i stay in my room)
5. Text books, novels

5 types of humans

1. poeple who sleep a lot
2. poeple who thinks sleeping is a waste of time
3. people with a fuck-me-please face
4. people with inviting smile (me? haha)
5. people who don't take nuts

5 things you've always wanted to do

1. Embrace the people i love for one hour straight.
2. Do whatever i think is right for me, but not to others
3. Earn a lot of money
4. Travel
5. Have my own children (too early huh?)

5 things you are currently into

1. Prison break ( waiting for season 3)
2. The hit of winter (haha)
3. my laptop ( my all time favourite)
4. going back to malaysia and have a roti canai, roti telur feast
5. Surfing

5 people you tag

1. Mic
2. Mao
3. Qin ai de
4. Kai
5. Yihong

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