Friday, December 21, 2007

Penang, Langkawi and Ipoh

sorry for not updating my blog for quite some while. i have been pretty caught up with life back in malaysia. After spending three days with family at home in Johor, i went to KL to meet up with friends. Chea hao, Mun ee, Kar, Wiven and June were those i have seen. i stayed three days in KL before coming home and spent the next five days at home before going to KL again on friday to watch Kar's performance in her Uni's annual event "Friday Night".

On sunday, which was five days ago, i went on a vacation to Penang, Langkawi and Ipoh. Lots of local cuisine like char koay teow and prawn noodle in penang, ipoh hor fun in ipoh, and yadda yadda yadda, nice beaches in Langkawi (actually not that nice if compared to the one in aus :(, the sea water still made my body itched). Undeniably, i had a great time with mates and we just spent the fabulous five days together!

anyway, i didn't have any pictures of those delicious cuisine with me. actually i just don't want to post them up as not to upset my dear friends in the UK or some other countries. blek!!!! the food can really be nostalgic!!! wahahhaa.

here are some pictures taken on the way to langkawi and in Langkawi.

i was bored sitting in the ferry for four consecutive hours. it's a torture!!!! People were puking and stuff made the smells in the ferry uprigth unbearable!!!!!!
Don't footsie me Sam, i am shy !!!!!!!
is she cool? she was smiling, who had that magic power to make her smile?
haha, i look better! anyway, Sam should be credited for this picture. Now you can tell how boring it had been to be in the ferry all the way to langkawi from Penang.
erm, we should go for sunnies ads! any idea?

The crocodile cave (gua buaya in malay). Well, the name can be deceiving, there wasn't any crocodile inside, its just a normal cave but an unusual rock structure after being weathered and eroded for hundreds years (too much geology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

the eagles were just fabulous. Sam said she wants to be an eagle if given the chance and i know why is that now. lol.
camwhoring on the speed boat. the speed boat guy, Sun, Sam and me!
/ stop pulling that off me. it's causing me so much pain ..... :(
erm, not sure what's that. sorry i wasn't paying attention. it's just too hot i reckon.
the stingray!!!!!!!!!! it's so cute. i think the crocodile hunter was just unlucky to be stung by the stingray! seriously, so unlucky!!!!
wow, i just like this picture!!!!!!! it's just nice, isn't it? so professional !!!
row row row your boat....they were exhausted and couldnt be bothered to row forward anymore! so sad~~~~

Sun, the model for Colgate advertisement. lol.
Karmen and Wiven. the loving couple. Karmen was about to drink the water AGAIN when the picture was taken. Karmen, the waterdam????
i am so in love with rocks. lol. it reminded me of the story "what would you do when you are left alone in the isolated island and there is noone else?" ...." i will have sex with the animals on the island!"
erm, just a
the young boy that showed us around the fish farm. He is good for that age. Actually it will be so much fun to be able to work in a fish farm. :)
aha, karmen and me. it's almost sunset. i should have worn a swimming trunk for the picture. lol.
the group picture. too bad Gilbert (the guy on the right at the back) didn't have his sunnies that he had to do one with his hand.
the "baywatch" picture according to Sun. wow, sam, you will be famous soon !!!!!!!!!! Don
't forget that i took the picture once you become famous. i love this picture. so romantic and they just had their way to be expressive.
Tanjung Ryu beach. It's believed to be the prettiest beach in Langkawi. :)

The trip ended after the visit to Ipoh.

A short break to elsewhere with your mates is definitely worthy when you really have had a great time with them. You get to get together after a year not seeing each other and go back to your old life when you were with them. It helps bring up all the memories and you will just feel that "i am really getting older" when you said lots and lots of " i used to......"... 20 is on its way, and my last teenage year is going to end soon !!!! enjoy it!

Friday, December 07, 2007

The purplish home

i feel guilty not having my house involved in my blog. My dad decided to repaint it last year a week or two before i went to Australia. So, the previous "white-house" turned into the purplish house, a wonderland that i am enjoying to bits at the moment.
yeah, the purplish house, with light brownish pillar withstanding the whole not-so-heavy-weighted family.
The front view. My grandma is having a minor backache so the plants are not so well taken care of. hehe. but they still look nice nevertheless.
look for the unit number. It's 47. I was amazed by myself when i could fill in the complete mailing address as requested in the airport despite the fact that i left home when i was 13 years old.
oh yeah, my little blackie. Always my favourite, my lifetime beloved. Have been driving him for the past few days to hone my already excellent skill. :)
haha, her name is just simply "girl girl". her brother was dead last year so she looked a little bit lonely ever since.
i've missed the mooncake festival. we used to hang out on the little ceramic table pretty often. It doesn't come in handy as the raining season has started to hit.
The motorbike. Despite the fact that i don't have my motorbike driving license, i ride on it pretty often. i started riding motorbike since i was 13 years old, so my skill is never an issue.

ok, going to meet up with my friends later. i will update soon.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

I'm Home

i am home, yeah finally, after spending 9 hours on Jetstar JQ65, two movies and a power nap and babbling non-stop to Jason for the rest of the time. I was late checking out and my parents (surprisingly my elder brother as well) were waiting for me outside the arrival hall. Oh yeh, i was in my dad's new car for the first time. and it'd certainly feel better if i can steer it but who will ever trust me after the 10-months-gap of not driving at all. sigh~~~

Back in Malaysia, back to my home, to my family, friends, my bedroom and the queen size bed.
And of course all the most-missed malaysian cuisine. I am also back to the reality, back to see all the people i have been seeing for the past 18 years. no more blonde hair, no more blue eyes, and no more aussies who speak with the speed of lightning. Turned on mix fm, but switched to my fm after a few minutes. Afterall, it'd been with me all the time when i was in Malaysia.

i woke up at 6am this morning due to the jetlag i was suffering. It certainly felt like a long day with so little sleep and the exhaustion caused by carrying my bossy nephew all the time. yeah, it's really good to have a baby at home. :) Had a long chat with my mum when i was driving her to melaka this afternoon. No changes have had taken place on her in the past ten months, she is still her, the lovely and caring mum. But my dad has changed a lot, still the stern-looking dad, but with a pang of cuteness in him when he played around with his newborn grandson.

My internet connection could not have gotten any crappier. it gets disconnected all the time, and worse still, i couldn't get to access to it sometimes. So i will update you more with my current life in Malaysia soon.

oh cutie pie ! holding his pacifier as if i am going to grab it from him. lol .

and yeah, everyone says he looks like me. well, you can tell the resemblance from this picture, can't you?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rock Climbing

Despite the fact that i hate geology and all the rock-studies, i went for rock climbing yesterday. lol. To be honest, i have had so much fun and it seems to me that second visit is indeed inevitable!!! Different kind of walls designed for different level of climber. Obviously the wall above is not meant for beginner like me. but well, i will handle it soon~

i actually wonder how much it'd cost to build all them. But meh, not that i wanna build one at my place.

This was the last one i tried for the day. i failed thrice before i got to the top of the wall. it'd be less harder if i were taller!!! lol.

yeah, this extrusion part was the one given me a really hard time ! i used up all my strength to hold on to it and finished my session due to the exhaustion afterwards.

Where is the rope? haha, nah, i was not climbing when the picture was taken by Peter. i was just posing for the picture. ok here is the problem, it requires two people to work together -a climber and a belayer. So there is no free hands to take the picture :(.

ok, i scratched and hurt my knees during the session. i should have worn a longer pants but i was silly enough not to. but hey, that's my first time, i am smarter now!

It's just fun. dai bo, let's go rock climbing when i am back in malaysia!!!!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Alice said goodbye to Australia

Alice is going back to Hong Kong. She is my ex co-worker when i was working as a waiter. I had a farewell breakfast (yeah i know, farewell breakfast is just weird) this morning at the Jet in QVB.

She decided to have the dessert-like breakfast - chocolate with passion fruit as fillings. Erm, girls always like sweet stuff, can never bring myself to have sweet stuff for breaky.

Latte, my all time favourite. Steven once told me not to add sugar to my coffee, it's bad and doesn't taste nice. I habituated myself and have my coffee without sugar since then.

You're so gonna miss this face of mine Alice. lol. She always calls me "sei zai" or "sui zai" like how she called her younger brother which is at my age.

Ta daaaaa!!!! According to Alice, it tastes nice, well, it sure does for a chocolate lover!

The guy sitting next to us obliged and helped us with the picture. Ok, i will call you when i go to Hong Kong, make sure you spare some time showing me around!! And you are kind enough to not laughed at my funny cantonese! thanks! haha.

Giving Alice a hug and saying good-bye to her has made me realised that there have been so many people walked in and out of my life. i have kinda gotten used to it and that doesn't bother me at all. Or maybe subconsciously, it does bother me but it's not significant. As people walk in, they will eventually walk out of your life. The good thing is, the memories remain, and burnt into your life.

Walking in and out is fine, but never walk away.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Night Out to Kings X with JG (Jia Jie)

JG has been in Sydney for days, and it's only yesterday we decided to catch up before he is flying back to NZ at 6pm today! We were initially plannning to have dinner together but JG got stuck in the middle of something that's why we met up after dinner.

JG still looked the same like what i saw two years ago. So, there's no hard time recognizing each other. We caught a bus instead of walked all the way there which is quite exhausting to be honest. After much failed persuasion by the guys working in the strip clubs, we decided to settle in a NORMAL club where you can actually drink and dance but not seeing people dancing, naked...

JG started to feel tipsy and dizzy. Still a great smile though :)

the Redbull Vodka, yeah to keep you awake when you are drunk, that's the whole point of it! exciting!
yeah yeah, bottoms up JG!!!! go go!!!!!!!

cheers! Corona after the tequila shots! so what the tequila shot is like ? sorry i didn't have a picture of it. Firse lick the salt, then gush down the tequila shot, and suck in the lime. it's supposed to have a strong effect, but it depends on your alcohol tolerance really.

oh yeh~~~~

the wasted Jason? wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok the exposure lighting is just toooooo high!!!!!!!!!

i was in the toilet for a leak and going to wash my hands when i bumped into this two aussie guys.

"don't wash your hands!" One of the taller guy said to me.

"why?" i asked, looking puzzled and afraid that they were going to pick a fight.

"if you want the chick to suck your dick, don't wash your hands! " he then continued.

"oh ok, but i am that horny tonight!you can have them all!" i turned on the water tap and washed my hands, and we both just laughed out loud.


hope you enjoyed your night JG.